LG Electronics

Life’s good with LG and its range of products. LG’s superior TV viewing technology gives you transforming experience and you enjoy the trill of premium TV/Audio/Video. LG provides you widest range of next generation Super HD TVs, LED, OLED TVs, 4K Resolution, and Smart TV.

Using LG’s stylish and advance mobile phones, smart phones, tablets, mobile accessories and smart watches it’s easier to connect with your family and friend. Now find out LG’s Blue ray technology based latest computer and enhance your professional experience. Breathe a sigh of relief and experience bacteria-free purified air with LG’s innovative air conditioner technology.


Consumer electronics giant LG’s broad range of products in various categories have a huge range of exciting features and technical innovations. However, LG does not sell direct, and so sales are entirely reliant on retail partner’s staff being educated and incentivised to sell their products for them.

We had to create a solution that would effectively and efficiently enthuse sales people across multiple different channels to favour LG when engaging with consumers.

Business Objective of LG Electronics 

LG Electronics wanted to improve its brand and product awareness. The company aimed to generate video views among a wide range of target audiences and send an Amazon UK’s purchase page to interested people. The brand of LG is delightfully smart. LG strives to intensify the customer’s life and lifestyle with intelligent features, institutive functionality and exceptional performance. The mission of LG is to reach the customers with utmost satisfaction through leadership. Overall, the company hoped to enhance its brand image and customer loyalty while launching a new product.

LG Electronics launched the LG Tone, i.e., a Neckband-style Bluetooth headset. Now LG Electronics introduced new Facebook Campaign for a new version, the LG Tone Infinim.

Strategy Adopted by LG Electronics

LG Electronics divided their strategy campaign into 2 phases.

The First Strategy: ‘Dancing Alien’

  • The company applied the first strategy to run a video ad that crossed the language barrier using a fun ‘dancing alien’ concept. This helps to get audiences’ attention and provide the filling of about the mobile phone accessory is from the future.
  • LG Electronics targeted on both the gender, i.e., men and women aged 18–40 which is based on their hobbies in dancing, smartphones and mobile accessories.

The Second Strategy: ‘Interest Targeting’

  • LG Electronics rolled out main features of the LG Tone Infinim. They re-targeted the ads’ links to specific audiences of people who watched the video ad. The company also used another strategy named ‘Interest Targeting’ to segment its audiences, showing different images to entreat to each segment, including electronic gazettes, fashion, arts and lifestyle photos.
  • LG Electronics’ Ads Manager monitored the campaign to analyze performance and further segment its audience for maximum cost effectiveness.

Result Achieved by LG Electronics

LG Electronics made the success with below mentioned strategy.

  • Powerful Targeting to Generation X & Y:Focused target on both the gender in age range of 18-40 who has hobby of dancing, smartphone and mobile accessories. LG electronics focused the audience who has avocation of listening songs and dancing. LG also focused on the target that is always keen for advanced mobile electronics gazette.
  • Connecting Dots with Future:LG used ‘Dancing Alien’ concept which create image in the mind of target audience that how they will be in the future with the use of LG Electronics. With the use of LG Tone Infinim, the Alien also can dance. LG targets the audience who is more technology savvy and more interested for the advance electronics gazette.

Facebook was an effective part of LG Electronics’ overall marketing strategy, which results in the UK LG Tone Infinim campaign exceeded LG’s video view target by 2.2X, and decreased the cost per video view by 2.2X.

The campaign achieved:

  • 2X more video views than goal
  • 2X lower cost per video view
  • Click-through rate – 25% increase
  • Cost per click – 4% lower
Category: flagship
Tag: Projects
Author: SKY Digital
Client: LG Electronics
Date: June 10, 2019