email marketing  Guide for Email Marketing email marketing

Guide for Email Marketing

latest email marketing and marketing automation techniques deployed by brands to engage their subscribers and develop purchase intent  Guide for Email Marketing cropped image of man holding speech bubble with email marketing lettering near laptop
The latest email marketing and marketing automation techniques deployed by brands to engage their subscribers

Email marketing trends 2022

How will this report help me and my business?

Email marketing is still worth taking seriously. The aim of this guide is to showcase some of the latest email marketing and marketing automation techniques deployed by brands to engage their subscribers and develop purchase intent. Given the importance of email marketing for all types of businesses, it pays to keep up to date with the latest email marketing techniques.

In 2022, email marketing remains one of the most effective techniques for digital marketers, so keeping up-to-date with the latest trends, best practice techniques, and technologies for email marketing remains extremely important.

Email Marketing - Download Form

Who is this guide for?

This guide is for:

  • Email marketing managers
  • Marketing managers
  • Small business owners

How is this report structured?

To structure the guide we have grouped into the following trends:

  • Foreword by Pure360
  • Introduction
  • Trend One: Consumer engagement and loyalty
  • Trend Two: Email design
  • Trend Three: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Trend Four: Intelligent pesonalization
  • Trend Five: Email experience and copywriting
  • Trend Six: Subject line optimization
  • Trend Seven: Continuing privacy regulation updates
  • Conclusion

A big ‘thank you’ to our contributors

Creating this report would not have been possible without the time of the contributors to give their examples and guidance. Many thanks to all of the email marketing experts from several countries we consulted with to share their opinions of the latest trends.

Resource Details

  • Author: Dr Dave Chaffey
  • Sponsored by: Pure360
  • Format: Downloadable PDF e-book

About the author

Dr. Dave Chaffey

Dave Chaffey  Guide for Email Marketing new dave chaffey 134px

Dave is co-founder of Smart Insights. He is editor of the 100+ templates, ebooks and courses in the digital marketing resource library created by our team of 25+ Digital Marketing experts. Our resources used by our premium members in more than 80 countries to Map, Plan and Manage their digital marketing.

For his full profile, or to connect on LinkedIn or other social networks, see the About Dave Chaffey profile page on Smart Insights. Dave is author of 5 bestselling books on digital marketing including Digital Marketing Excellence and Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. In 2004 he was recognized by the Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide who have helped shape the future of marketing.

Young people sharing digital content on marketing streaming platforms  Digital Marketing Template young people sharing digital content on marketing streaming platforms

Digital Marketing Template

Business people planning a marketing strategy  Digital Marketing Template business people planning a marketing strategy
Business people planning digital marketing strategy

How will this digital marketing strategy template help me and my business?

Do you have an integrated digital marketing strategy? Our research shows that many businesses don’t have a structured digital marketing plan, yet they are doing digital marketing.

This popular digital marketing strategy template will give you a structure for applying the Smart Insights RACE planning framework to help you rapidly create an integrated digital marketing plan for your business.

Our template gives you a simple checklist structure for reviewing potential digital marketing initiatives using the acclaimed Smart Insights RACE Planning system.

Digital Marketing Template RACE planning digital marketing plan system 550x764

This marketing plan template is our most popular download. It’s based on our Content Director, Dave Chaffey’s fifteen plus years experience of creating and reviewing digital marketing plans for companies small and large across many sectors.

Digital Marketing Plan - Download Form

Who is this digital marketing plan template for?

This download is for anyone involved with shaping future digital marketing direction for their business or their clients, including:

  • Company owners and directors
  • Managers responsible for increasing the contribution of digital channels in their organization, including Digital Director and digital marketing managers
  • Heads of marketing including CMO, VP of Marketing, Chief Customer Officer, and Marketing Director
  • Consultants or agency account managers

How is the plan structured?

The template is a checklist of digital marketing activities structured around the Smart Insights RACE planning framework and six pillars of digital marketing success which ensures complete and comprehensive coverage of all the marketing activities needed to increase leads and sales across the customer lifecycle.

  • Introduction: How to use this RACE planning template
  • The six pillars of effective digital marketing: How to simplify digital marketing complexity
  • Plan: Create a digital marketing strategy
  • Reach: Grow your audience online
  • Act: Encourage brand interactions and leads
  • Convert: Increase online and offline sales through optimization
  • Engage: Build customer loyalty and advocacy
  • Resources: Tools to help you create and implement your plans

Resource Details

About the author

Dr Dave Chaffey

Digital Marketing Template new dave chaffey 134px

Dave is co-founder and content director of Smart Insights. He is editor of the 100+ templates, ebooks and courses in the digital marketing resource library created by our team of 25+ Digital Marketing experts. Our resources used by our premium members in more than 80 countries to Map, Plan and Manage their digital marketing.

For my full profile, or to connect on LinkedIn or other social networks, see the About Dave Chaffey profile page on Smart Insights. Dave is author of 5 bestselling books on digital marketing including Digital Marketing Excellence and Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. In 2004 he was recognised by the Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of 50 marketing ‘gurus’ worldwide who have helped shape the future of marketing.

social cheatsheet  Social Media Cheatsheet social cheatsheet

Social Media Cheatsheet

Social media addiction  Social Media Cheatsheet social media addiction
Social media addiction

Free Google and Facebook Paid Media Cheatsheet

Review your use of the latest paid media options on Google and Facebook using our free cheatsheet

How will this cheatsheet help me and my business?

Keeping track of all the developments within social networks and search engines can be quite overwhelming. To help you stay on top of your game and keep track of all these changes, we have our Free Google and Facebook Paid Media Cheatsheet.

The aim of this document is to highlight all the main platform changes and new features across Google Ads and Facebook Paid Ads, to make sure that you don’t miss out on this vital knowledge from the search engine and social network, each month.

Our free cheatsheet will help all Smart Insights’ members to keep track of latest paid media options, to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the latest developments and best spending options.

This cheatsheet for paid media options across Google and Facebook covers:

  • The name of the all the main paid media options for promoting businesses on each of Google and Facebook
  • A summary of its purpose, e.g. the content formats and targeting it offers
  • The date it was first launched
Social Media Cheatsheet - Download Form

Who is this cheatsheet for?

The cheatsheet is for:

  • Anyone who works with social media platforms or search engines and wants to keep up to date with the latest platform updates
  • Social media executives/managers who are working day-to-day on social media platforms or on social media strategy, so they know which new features they can use in their social media campaigns
  • Digital marketing executives
  • Digital media managers
  • Marketing managers

Which platforms does the cheatsheet cover?

  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Paid Media

Want more? Have a look at our complete digital media cheatsheet, highlighting the newest platform changes and features for a number of different platforms, such as Google and Facebook organic search and more:

  1. Google: SEO and Google Analytics
  2. YouTube
  3. Facebook organic options
  4. Instagram
  5. Twitter (organic and paid options)
  6. LinkedIn (organic and paid options)
  7. Pinterest
  8. Snapchat

Latest updates

This content has been updated with the most relevant platform updates up to January 2020.

Resource Details

  • Author: James Story
  • Format: Excel spreadsheet to score and identify improvements to your social and search marketing strategy

About the author

James Story

Social Media Cheatsheet James Story 150x150

James Story is Senior Content Manager for Lead Tech, a financial lead generation company providing high-quality leads for financial advisers and financial advice firms. He is a University of Leeds graduate and has spent over five years creating content for online PR, SEO, and digital marketing activities.

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Better style

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